Health starts from within.

Understand your unique microbiome for a healthier you!

We’re interested in how the microbiome influences body and brain health.

Gut-Brain Axis

Everyone has a unique and complex microbiome. We help you understand how your microbiome contributes to your health and how to take control in shaping the microbiome to improve your health and happiness.

Food for Thought

Did you know that gut health can directly impact how your brain functions? In an age full of brain fog and burnout, we’re looking to help you think and function at your best.

Health From Within

What we eat fuels our microbiome. A fiber-rich diet reduces inflammation and improves overall health.

Why BrilliantBiome?

BrilliantBiome is a precision medicine platform that makes your gut health understandable.


Identifying the root cause of disease by treating you as a unique individual.

Our AI platform that is backed by cutting-edge science learns and identifies signatures of disease.

Data Driven

We provide personalized consultations to help you understand your microbiome report and guide you through your health journey.



Long reports filled with 15-syllable words can be daunting. We make it easy.

Tackling your health goals from the inside out.

Support immunity & identify disease risks

Reduce bloating & constipation

Improve energy levels & metabolism

Balance mood & mental wellness

Gut health in three easy steps!

Order your kit.

Send your sample.

Know your gut.

Step 3

Step 1

Step 2

You support our research!

The Gut Microbiome and Opioid Addiction

Opioids directly alter gut composition through the activation of opioid receptors in the brain and gut. Our platform explores which microbes can reduce the risk of escalating and relapse rates.

BrilliantBiome in the News

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